Sloan O Ring Washer for Adjustable Tailpiece

Gem 2 O-Ring Gasket


Sloan GEM-2 Flushometer is trademarked with Filtered O-Ring Bypass. This innovation protects the metering bypass in the piston from dirt and debris coming from the water flow. The Filtered O-Ring Bypass is better than screen filters in ensuring a continued, uninterrupted flush performance of your flush valves, even when water in the area is filthy.

Filtered O-Ring Bypass uses the following rubber gasket:

Model G85 Piston O-Ring (sold per piece)

Model H553 Tailpiece O-Ring (sold per piece or per pack=24pcs)

Product Description

Sloan GEM 2 O-Ring Filtering for Piston and Tailpiece


* Price is inclusive of VAT.

Additional information


#G85, #553


Per Piece, Per Pack


– Sloan O-Ring G85 (Piston Assembly) – Sloan O-Ring H553 (Adjustable Tailpiece Connection)


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